You Can Publish the Gospel
We have a number of booklets in PDF format that you can down load, take to a local printer and have printed up for less than we can print them and mail to you. You cannot resell any of this material, nor change or add to or take away from its contents. Each file must be printed and distributed in their entirety.
Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets that are presently available:
Romans 13 and the Higher Liberty
What was Paul trying to tell us when he wrote Romans 13?
07-Aug-2007 19:52 328k
Call no man on earth Father
Why did Jesus tell us not to call any man on earth Father?
07-Aug-2007 19:49 309k
Law vs. Legal
What is the difference between lawful and legal when it comes to tender, title and ownership?
07-Aug-2007 19:50 245k
Mark of the Beast
This is a detail study of what the Mark of the Beast is and what the Mark of God is.
07-Aug-2007 21:18 403k
The International Acceptance and Validy of Holy Matrimony
Is Holy Matrimony a Valid Union of a Man and a woman?
07-Aug-2007 20:06 236k
Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage
What is the difference between Matrimony by the authority of God and Marriage as it is defined in a legal system?
07-Aug-2007 21:19 257k
Rome vs. US
What was the Roman government and how does it relate to us today?
07-Aug-2007 19:52 238k