A Creed
Almost all government have a creed. Writing a creed for each Church can be very important. A Creed of a Church, congregation or individual is written as a profession of faith and is not meant to be all inclusive nor limit the beliefs of the faithful. It is a simple and a brief verbal description of the tenets by which and individual or group choose to live.
As an example, citizens of the United States have a published Creed called the American Creed which supposedly express the creed of all United States Citizens. It states:
"I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes."
"I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies." Read in Congress April 3, 1918.
Also, as another example of written creeds used to express the values and principles by which men and groups may conduct their lives we may look at the personal creed of Theodore Roosevelt which stated:
“I believe in honesty, sincerity and the square deal: in making up one's mind what to do - and doing it. I believe in fearing God and taking one's own part. I believe in hitting the line hard when you are right. I believe in speaking softly and carrying a big stick. I believe in hard work and honest sport. I believe in a sane mind in a sane body. I believe we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.”
Since, the Church is both an institution of God and belongs to God, the Church must agree with the beliefs of its Creator, the Man who appointed it. It must also believe in His character, purpose and doctrines. The Church in the wilderness established by God through Moses and the Church established by God the Father through Jesus Christ, must in faith remain the same in precept upon precept as long as God remains the same.
Since the ministers of the Church are appointed by God they cannot exercise authority and therefore cannot dictate wording of the creed for all the people who seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. The ministers of God may seek to define the will of God in word and deed, but it is God who is the final judge of who conforms to the true Creed of God.
The world needs to see something because unlike God they cannot see into the hearts of men so we attempt to express the creed written on our hearts by God in the form of a creed written on paper by men. All creeds of the Church should express the character or name of God in spirit and truth. The Creed of the Church as written here is one profession of faith and is not meant to be all inclusive nor limit the beliefs of the faithful, but is presented as a brief verbal description of the tenets of faith laid down from the beginning.
The Creed of His Holy Church
I believe in the Father, God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and His words in the garden to man, to dress it and to keep, it.
I believe in the faith of Abraham, the obedience of Isaac, the resolution of Jacob, the forgiveness of Joseph, the sacrifice of Moses.
I believe in the birthright of Jesus, His Holy Designation by John the Baptist, His Exalting as the Highest Son of David, His Anointing as Heir to the Throne, the Proclamation of Him as King by Pontius Pilate sealed in His blood, And that He is ascended as Highest Judge and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I believe in the revelation of the Holy Spirit,
The appointment of His Church in service,
The communion of saints in liberty,
The forgiveness of transgressions in love,
The rebirth of the body in the profession of faith.
The Creed of His Holy Church with Notes
I believe in the Father,1 God Almighty,2 Creator of Heaven and Earth3 and His words in the garden to man, to dress it and to keep, it.4
I believe in the faith of Abraham,5 the obedience of Isaac,6 the resolution of Jacob,7 the forgiveness of Joseph,8 the sacrifice of Moses.9
I believe in the birthright of Jesus,10 His Holy Designation by John the Baptist,11 His Exalting as the Highest Son of David,12 His Anointing as Heir to the Throne,13 the Proclamation of Him as King by Pontius Pilate14 sealed in His blood,15 And that He is ascended16 as Highest Judge and is seated at the Right Hand17 of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.18
I believe in the revelation of the Holy Spirit,19
The appointment of His Church in service,20
The communion of saints in liberty, 21
The forgiveness of transgressions in love,22
The rebirth of the body in the profession of faith.23
Note: The Creed of the Church is written here as a profession of faith and is not meant to be all inclusive nor limit the beliefs of the faithful but simply as a brief verbal description of the tenets of faith laid down from the beginning.
His Church Creed Footnotes. Date July 4th, 2000